the word "Hernia" written on a board next to stethoscope.

How to Prevent a Hernia

A hernia is something that develops in your intestines or abdomen, causing quite a bit of pain and discomfort. There are many different types of hernias and not all of them can be avoided; however, you can still learn how to prevent a hernia while your body is in a healthy condition. Let’s look at…

Man clutching lower abdomen from pain of a surprise hernia.

Surprising Causes of Hernias

Hernias are painful bulges that can appear in many different parts of the body. Whether due to stress or prior disease, hernias should be treated immediately by your trusted gastroenterologist in Los Angeles. Some of the risk factors of hernias are well-known, but the most surprising causes of hernias are often the most common. Surprising…

Woman wondering why does my liver hurt.

Why Does My Liver Hurt?

If your liver is hurting, it could mean one of many things. Depending on the type of pain, the intensity of the pain, and other preexisting conditions you may have, your liver pain can be a sign that a larger issue is at play. So why does your liver hurt? When it comes to liver…

Is it indigestion or something else?

Is It Indigestion or Something Else?

Stomach pain comes in many shapes and forms, and this is why it can sometimes be so hard to diagnose. Those dealing with rumbles and grumbles in the tummy may be worried about what’s going on. Is it indigestion or something else? Is It Indigestion or Something Else? Our top internist in LA can help…