man lying facedown on table, with empty bottle in front of him

Bad Habits for Your Liver

As the largest inner organ in your body, your liver is responsible for so many important functions. For example, your liver is a crucial part of the digestive system, as it removes toxins and metabolizes nutrients. It is also a place where nutrients are stored, and waste is removed and sent down the bowels. And…

doctor showing patient x-rays

Seeking a Second Opinion

Considering the best treatment options for your cancer or chronic condition can be a painstaking process. It is important to land on a decision that you feel most comfortable with, and one that works with your best interests in mind. To understand what kind of treatment option is best for you, it is vital that…

stethoscope and other medical instruments on table with the letters "fe" to connotate the element iron

Too Much Iron In Your Blood? Here’s Why

Are you or someone you love experiencing unexplained stomach aches, joint pain, skin yellowing, or depression? If so, it is likely that you are dealing with hemochromatosis. This serious condition causes the body to retain and hold on to more iron than is necessary. Absorbing too much iron is detrimental to your body, and can…

young woman on toilet

Dangers of Constipation

Going to the bathroom is such a natural process that we don’t always pay attention to it. But sometimes, the results of going to the bathroom are not always normal. Being constipated may not be fun to think about, but it’s important to pay attention to constipation’s signs and symptoms if they are lasting for…

Either lifestyle changes or a medical treatment can be needed for causes of excessive gas

What Causes Excessive Gas?

Dealing with gas can be painful, frustrating, and certainly embarrassing. While bodily functions are nothing to be ashamed of, it isn’t fun to deal with an issue that causes you to pass gas too much. If you are struggling with excessive gas, you are probably curious to find out why you are dealing with these…